

Contains various tools for building models, such as georeferencing of maps and cross-sections, building surfaces from lines and dip angle, etc.

Name Version Date Gocad Version Architecture Notes Access
GeolToolbx-g15-re5.tgz Latest (stable) 30/09/2018 15 Linux 64bits (RHE5) Consortium
GeolToolbx-g15-re6.tgz Latest (stable) 30/09/2018 15 Linux 64bits (RHE6) Consortium Latest (stable) 30/09/2018 15 Windows 64 bits Consortium
GeolToolbx-g2013.2-re5.tgz Latest (stable) 30/09/2018 2013.2 Linux 64bits (RHE5) Consortium
GeolToolbx-g2013.2-re6.tgz Latest (stable) 30/09/2018 2013.2 Linux 64bits (RHE6) Consortium Latest (stable) 30/09/2018 2013.2 Windows 64 bits Consortium Latest (stable) 30/09/2018 2013.2 Windows 64 bits Consortium Latest (stable) 26/02/2017 2013.2 Windows 64 bits Consortium
GeolToolbx-g2013.2-linux-amd64-re5.tgz Latest (stable) 27/11/2016 2013.2 Linux 64bits (RHE5) Consortium Latest (stable) 07/11/2016 2011.3 Windows 64 bits Consortium Latest (stable) 07/11/2016 2013.1 Windows 64 bits Consortium
GeolToolbx-g2013.1-linux-amd64-re5.tgz Latest (stable) 06/11/2016 2013.1 Linux 64bits (RHE5) Consortium
GeolToolbx1.1.1-g2009.2-win32-i86-vs2005.exe 1.1.1 04/05/2010 2009.2 Windows i86 Consortium
GeolToolbx-1.1.0-g2009.1-linux-amd64-re5-gcc.tar.gz 1.1.0 01/12/2009 2009.1 Linux x64 re5 untar in GOCAD-SKUA-2009.1 directory Consortium
GeolToolbx1.1.0-g2.5.2p1-win32-i86-vs2005.exe 1.1.0 06/05/2009 2.5.2p1 Windows i86 Consortium
GeolToolbx1.0.0-g2.5.2p1-win32-i86-vs2005.exe 1.0.0 05/05/2009 2.5.2p1 Windows i86 Consortium
GeolToolbx1.0.0-g2.5.2-win-x86.exe 1.0.0 24/06/2008 2.5.2 Windows i86 Consortium
GeolToolbx1.0.0-g2.1.6-win-x86.exe 1.0.0 03/03/2008 2.1.6 Windows i86 Consortium