HyperCube-2.1.3 is a Plugin for Gocad-2.1.3 dedicated to the modeling and analysis
of non-linear response surfaces
The plug in contains
- a set of algorithms (contained in a library called CrystalCube) to built and
analyze non-linear response surfaces using Dual Kriging, Variance Based Sensitivity Analysis
and Bayesian Inversion.
- two new objects called NdPointSet and NdCube to manipulate, respectively, a set of points
and a regular grid, both embeded in a N-Dimensional space.
- a set of tools to run Discrete Smooth Interpolation on properties in an N-dimensional
space using the NdPointSet and NdCube objects.
- a set of tools to smooth Nd-dimensional histograms using Discrete Smooth Interpolation.
See also the README.txt file located at the Plugin root