
The TimeVIS_1.2 plugin is designed to process both TSolid or SGrid for visualization purposes. It aims to extract efficiently series of isosurfaces from time-varying scalar fields using pure CPU-based approach, pure GPU-based approach (GPU means Graphics Processor Unit) or hybrid approach. Moreover it can compute by interpolation smooth transitions between time steps. It also aims to volume render a grid to improve the perception of the dataset. Moreover this plugin handles large grids made of millions of cells (we have tested it, in case of isosurface extraction, with TSolid grid made of 5 millions of tetrahedra and SGrid made of 3 millions of hexahedra).

Name Version Date Gocad Version Architecture Notes Access
TimeVis_1.2_src_WinXP.zip 1.2 19/08/2008 2.1.3 Sources Consortium
documentation.pdf 1.2 19/08/2008 2.1.3 Documentation Consortium
TimeVis_1.2_bin_WinXP.zip 1.2 28/11/2006 2.1.3 Windows i86 Consortium