RING Plugins

Name Nbr Files Last Update Description info
ACP 7 11/01/2011 Principal component analysis, Gaussian-based discriminant analysis and classification. SOme features are available only with the 2.5.2-compatible version.
Chess 1 08/11/2006 This plugin features a 3D Chess game integrated within Gocad for your spare time. Note: there is currently no option for playing against the computer (2 players needed).
ConnectO 13 02/10/2018 Simulate channelized systems info
FaultMod 7 20/02/2014 Stochastic fault modeling
FluvialSystemSimulation 1 10/03/2014 In this course, you will follow the whole process to simulate fluvial systems constituted by two facies: channels and a mudstone background. More particularly you will generate a training image from a part of the Amazon delta using the plugin GoNURBS, use this training image to simulate several other fluvial systems with Gocad's MPS workflow and assess the quality of your MPS realizations using the plugin ConnectO.
FractCar 28 30/09/2018 Discrete fracture networks info
GRGGraphics 9 30/09/2018 Visualization info
GRGLib 21 02/10/2018 RING Base plugin info
GeobodyPainter 6 08/11/2006 The GeobodyPainter Plug-in enables interactive drawing of channels and other objects in 3d on Voxets and SGrids. Therefore the size and shape of the paint operator can be chosen and the brush's color (property value) can be a custom defined value, a value from another property of the grid or the result of a convolutional operation.
GeolToolbx 18 30/09/2018 Georeferencing
GoNURBS 11 02/10/2018 sedimentary objects modelling info
GoPy 47 02/10/2018 Python in Gocad info
GoUpScale 1 16/06/2008 This plugin intends to upscale isotropic elastic materials defined on structured regular grids (Voxet) to transversely isotropic elastic materials.
GocadCompGeom 1 13/11/2014 The plugin provides some functionality and exporters/importers that allow for making use of the publicly available software packages Gmsh and TetGen in order to construct tetrahedral meshes for finite element simulation based on gocad models. The plugin comes with a tutorial on how it could be used. The software packages Gmsh and TetGen must be downloaded from the www and installed separately.
GocadExporters 1 13/11/2014 The plugin provides some functionality to export Gocad Objects in external formats. Surfaces, Lines, Points, SGrids and Solids can be exported in VTK format, both, legacy and xml versions. Further they can be exported in the format of the OpenGeoSys simulation software. Surfaces can also be exported in VRML and STL format. This plugin developed by Freiberg University is freely available.
GocadGml 1 24/02/2010 Gocad plugin for importing and exporting GML geometries to Gocad
Goscope 48 30/09/2018 Automatically extract geological objects from a seismic data cube
GraphLab 14 30/09/2018 Directed graphs
GraphicFramework 4 29/10/2010 GraphicFramework is a shader designer, i.e. it is a resource plugin for people who want to develop shaders in Gocad. Shaders are small pieces of code which directly apply to the graphic processing unit (GPU).
GridLab 1 08/11/2006
HyperCube 1 31/01/2007 HyperCube-2.1.3 is a Plugin for Gocad-2.1.3 dedicated to the modeling and analysis of non-linear response surfaces The plug in contains - a set of algorithms (contained in a library called CrystalCube) to built and analyze non-linear response surfaces using Dual Kriging, Variance Based Sensitivity Analysis and Bayesian Inversion. - two new objects called NdPointSet and NdCube to manipulate, respectively, a set of points and a regular grid, both embeded in a N-Dimensional space. - a set of tools to run Discrete Smooth Interpolation on properties in an N-dimensional space using the NdPointSet and NdCube objects. - a set of tools to smooth Nd-dimensional histograms using Discrete Smooth Interpolation. See also the README.txt file located at the Plugin root
ImageClassifier 2 28/06/2010 Framework for image classification. Images are stored as structured grids.
ImplicitLab 1 08/11/2006
ImplicitViewer 2 27/09/2010 A plugin dedicated to the visualization of implicit horizons, i.e. horizons which are embedded on a property rather than on a mesh. ImplicitViewer makes use of fragment shaders to have a pixel-based resolution.
IsoSurf 7 30/09/2018 Tool for cutting a TSolid by an implicit surface
KarstMod 9 30/09/2018 3D karstic network simulations info
Pythia 3 17/12/2008 Upscaling and flow simulation in fractured reservoirs. Uses FractCar for characterization of fractures and GraphLab for connectivity graph.
QuadraticTetra 2 26/02/2008 Add the possibility to paint tetrahedra quadratically using the latest GPU functionalities.
Reed 1 09/05/2012 Rigid elements deformation tool
ReserVor 2 27/06/2013 Design of unstructured Control Volume Grids. This plugin generates Centroidal Voronoi Grids based on static and dynamic information to constrain cell density and orientation, conformity to surfaces. See Merland et al, Gocad Meeting 2012.
Restoration2D 2 06/04/2012 Map restoration
RestorationLab 35 30/09/2018 Restoration info
SCube 13 02/10/2018 Stochastic well correlations info
SolidExplorer 14 30/09/2018
SolidExplorer2 1 15/02/2008 Extracts isosurfaces on TSolids Performs visualisation, texture mapping and interactive editing of isosurfaces on tetrahedral meshes.
Stereonet 7 30/09/2018 Orientation data analysis
StreamLab 2 13/07/2007 This plugin provides a set of tools to perform streamline simulation on unfaulted SGrids. It includes a pressure and a velocity solver, a streamline tracker based on either Runge-Kutta and Pollock interpolations and solvers able to take into account tracer transport and two phase immiscible displacements. See also the README.txt file located at the Plugin root
StructuralLab 17 30/09/2018 Building 3D geological surfaces from field data using implicit surfaces on tetrahedral meshes info
SurfaceInterpolation 1 05/07/2006 Surface reconstruction plugin: give it point sets and it builds triangulated surfaces. Does not work with multi-valued point sets though (e.g. if you have several points with the same x and y coordinates and different z).
TGridLab 1 08/11/2006 TGridLab is a plugin dedicated to the generation of 3D unstructured meshes from geological surface models (tetrahedral meshes, modular hybrid flow grids). Developed by Francois Lepage.
TextureMapping 6 06/04/2009 Implements Texture Mapping onto triangulated surfaces from image files (no import as 1-byte voxet property is necessary). Features: - Texture mapping on existing U,V property - Compute texture mapping of picture from calibration points on the surface and the picture. This is intended for vertical outcrops, lanscapes, etc.
Thalassa 2 15/05/2007 Facies modeling accounting for sedimentological rules (linking facies, water depth and slope angle) and stratigraphic rules (transgression-regression)
TimeVis 3 19/08/2008 The TimeVIS_1.2 plugin is designed to process both TSolid or SGrid for visualization purposes. It aims to extract efficiently series of isosurfaces from time-varying scalar fields using pure CPU-based approach, pure GPU-based approach (GPU means Graphics Processor Unit) or hybrid approach. Moreover it can compute by interpolation smooth transitions between time steps. It also aims to volume render a grid to improve the perception of the dataset. Moreover this plugin handles large grids made of millions of cells (we have tested it, in case of isosurface extraction, with TSolid grid made of 5 millions of tetrahedra and SGrid made of 3 millions of hexahedra).
TopoKernel 2 12/07/2012
Tweedle 11 26/02/2015 Graphite in Gocad
UncertaintyLab 2 24/10/2008 UncertaintyLab is an uncertainty assessment research plugin. It contains : (1) a wrapper to Stanford's Multiple Point Simulation algorithm snesim [Strebelle, 2000, Math Geol], and to the SGeMs software. (2) an implementation of the Spatial bootstrap [Norris et al, SPE 26490, and Journel 1993, Env and Ecol. Statistics], (3) a method to asses uncertainty about the facies proportions under geological constraints [Caumon et al, 2004, SPE 89943]. (4) a method to perturb the transverse fault slip on a faulted horizon.
UncertaintyViewer 14 20/06/2012 Uncertainty visualization engine dedicated to various geological grids. Several modes are available for Cartesian and stratigraphic grids (both on slices and volume rendering), including 2D transfer functions, dispersion bars, anamorphosis, transparency, saturation, isolines, texture, blur, animation, etc. These visualization methods can be combined together for improved perception of uncertainty, or for corendering of more than two variables. A volume rendering engine dedicated to tetrahedral grids is also available, with a limited subset of uncertainty visualization methods.
VFSD 12 30/09/2018 Vectorial Field Shape Deformation algorithm
VariogramMap 1 08/11/2006 VariogramMap allows to compute 2D and 3D experimental variogram map in the stratigraphic space. (plugin developed by Guillaume Jean)
VizLab 5 27/11/2008 Contains various visualization experiments: - 3D lenses - Solid slicing of Model3D - I/O of PGM pictures - Some basic 3D image processing
VolumeRendering 1 05/06/2009 A volume rendering engine dedicated to stratigraphic grids, using the latest GPU functionalities (framebuffer object, geometry shader) for the display. This plugin has been developed by Gautier Laurent.
WebExporter 16 30/09/2018 Exporting structural models into HTML info
XSLab 1 08/11/2006 A Gocad plugin to test various interactive modification and visualization tools. XSLab contains interactive editing of layering of proportion maps (as computed in StartigraphicModeling). It also contains research code to reshape contacts and perform solid slicing in model3d's.